Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's been a while..

I haven't posted anything for a while because I've been lazy and busy at the same time. I ate a lot of great food over the holidays (I didn't have to do any cooking during the holidays, it was nice to have a break). Sorry I didn't really take any pictures!

But now I'm back in the swing of things. I hosted a vegan potluck at my house a few weeks ago and it was a huge success. Sorry didn't really take any pictures lol. I promise to take more pictures in the future. My husband is leaving in two weeks, and I will have A LOT of spare time on my hands :)

Here are few pictures of things I made in the last month or so.

Chickpea cutlets with roasted vegetables:

Polenta pizza (it actually looks MUCH better than it tasted -we didn't spread the polenta enough and it didn't cook properly in the middle):

Adzuki and pear soup:

Curried udon noodle stir-fry:

Bulgar pilaf with apricots and chili:

I am having a going away party for Andy / potluck party this Saturday. Stay tuned!


1 comment:

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